2021 Contributions

Thanks for supporting the Art Love Friend shops here and on Etsy! As a result, over $205 was donated on the last day of December to E.A.R.T.H. Labs SF! ( https://earthlabsf.org) This exciting new, 2021 established, non-profit will be supporting art and artists in producing Environmental Art, Research, Theory & Happenings in collaboration with the Earth. In 2022, I will continue to collaborate with E.A.R.T.H. Labs SF to produce special products and sales to support their growth.
In a time when we need models of inclusive, joyful and fun environmentalism, E.A.R.T.H. Labs SF establishes itself on the foundation of the groundbreaking work of it's founders, artists Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle (https://sprinklestephens.ucsc.edu). Their book, Assuming the Ecosexual Position:
The Earth as Lover, published in June of 2021 is highly recommended reading for anyone who wants to create a sustainable future with increased bliss. Check out the book at: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/assuming-the-ecosexual-position
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